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- Publication:
- The Dannebrog Newsi
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- Dannebrog, Nebraska
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BRIEF NEWS OF NEBRASKA The Dannebrog Hews SEEDED IT LIST 1 TRUCE IN CHINA Rav Arms Howard Shaw was reelected president of the national woman's suffrage association Advocates of the initiative and referendum say congress and not for the courts to decide The Italian rear admiral says he is master of the situation in Turkish waters A fifteen-story club house costing 12500000 was dedloated in New York The call for the Republican national on-vent egates The United States has gained Canadians almost as fast as Canada has gained Americans An estimate la made that It will re-quire two months to secure a jury for the McNamara trial George Roberts of the mint says President Taft will be renominated ahd re-elected A negro ran amuck In Algiers La and shot two policemen and several citizens before he was killed Ytian-Shl-Kal the masterful mind China is hereafter to guide the ship of state of China The massacre- of natives at Hankow China makes the problem or dtttLculi The grand Jury at' Washington returned a white slave Indictment against Robert Davidson of 8t Louis Former admirers from all over the United States attended the unveiling a statue in honor of Robert G- In-gersoll at Peoria 111 George Wright tied himself to car trucks at Rollins Wyo and made trip to Grand Island Had $175 In gold on his person A reward of $1000 for the solution of the mystery surrounding the death of Dr Helene Knabe of Indianapolis is offered by the city Frank Nicholal former assistant cashier of the Cfly National bank of Auburn Ind Will leave the federal prison at Leavenworth on parole A dispute over 6 cents between a taxicab owner and the driver was the direct cause of a walk mil of COOO drivers and the paralyzing of London's taxicab service Eddie Morris colored pugilist and mebber of tbe famous Mabray organlzatlon was released from the county Jail at Council Bluffs upon bis own recognizance Tbe arraignment of Atllaon Mac-Furland on an Indictment charging him with murder In the first degree in causing the death of his wife by poison was up at Newark A bequest of $750000 la made to embers Bryn Mawr college by JCrntna Carols Woerachofer who died last mouth and whose will was admitted to probate Tbe funeral of Joseph Pulitzer owner and editor of the New York World was held at 8t Thomas-church New York The public were admitted Naval officer will have to take tbe praarrlbil walking test more often Is the past In compliance with orders made public at tbe navy do part meat Among the four brightest men in son discharged through the nursing hopeful fatal Tecumteh Tec*mseh bold for public One mains ffthcr for the $7500 Grand so far the local ns soon January the plant Aged Nebraska building Ricker evening of the NEWS Tbe team Chicago Chicago It Is chicken that he the hogs state an offer YUAN REPORTED TO HAVE AR-RANGED AN ARMISTICE WILL BE FOR TEN WEEKS No Real Head of the Government in Evidence The king correspondent says he is re liably informed that Yuan Shi Kal has practically arranged a (en weeks' armistice with the rebel generalissimo This will permit Yuan to go Immediately to Peking and form a cabinet He will also attempt to solve the present confusion Peking Yuan Shi Kal still declines to accept the premiership although assured of the support of the national assembly and General Chang in command of the Lanchau troops Both assembly hang however insist that when the parliament is elected the premier shall he chosen by that body In the meantime affairs here are in a state of chaos No tangible head of the government is visible The government urgently needs funds and hopes that the Franco-Belglan loan will be forthcoming to enable the military operations and the admlnis-tralon to be carried on The international group refuses to supply war funds The government Is urging the group to advance money in order to allay the threatened fihancial and public deadlock In Peking as It is feared that the noncirculation ol money will cause serious hardships to the coolies and the lower classes which possibly might lead to local disturbances To this the group is inclined to ac cede although foreign commercial in terests at Peking are inconsiderable Tho question of tangible security appears to he almost Insurmountable but the negotiations continue The group Insists that the funds he used for the purpose stated and suggests that If completed the loan be hand ed over to the local Chinese Chamber of Commerce as was done at Shanghai In the recent crisis The third division of the army eta tloned at Shang Hmg Fu Is under orders to proceed to Lanchau the government evidently hoping that the presence there of a loyal division would have a salutary effect on General Chang's men The transference of this division Is now going on and the attitude of the men Is eagerly awaited as It will probably turn tbe scales la north China Blaewbcre in the north excepting In Peking the soldier generally sympathize witn the Lanchau movement Victim Are Unmercifully Slaughter- ed In Their Own Homes Steamer passenger arrlv- lag from Tripoli describe the sl'aa lion there aa a reign of terror Strong military patrols are continually con dueling rigorous house-to-house earche and on the smallest pretense summary punishment la meted out Many victim have been shot In their own house la tbe absence of any attempt to discriminate between friend nod foe many foreigners have taken refuge In their ret pot the con sulaie Ocean to Ocoan Flight Pasadena Aviator Rodgers approaching a successful completion of his ocana to oreaa Jaunt across th American continent soared Into Pasadena Sunday nl a mile a minute clip on the apart of thirty miles from Pomona and dropped from an altitude of several thousand foot to a graceful landing nt Tournament park Monday he expect lo fly on! over the Paclfle and thus make the epoch marking real of nvtgUon really on oreaa to mb flight Stubbs Call Claciten Topeka Htubb in called an election for January Hilt fo boats a successor to Ike late Uongrevaman Madison of the Seventh Kansas district Ash far Writ af Error Rkrbmoad lawyer lor Henry Beattie Jr under death ten one for th murder of bis wile filed with lb supreme court of appeals a pet! tran for a writ of error This roast I tales as appeal from tbe judgment of tbe roort The Presbyterian missionary hospital is completed at Walthill The new Catholic church at Crab Orchard was dedicated last week The state association uneets at Omaha on November 8 9 and' 10 The postoffice at Kelley Sioux couh-ty has been discontinued Mail will to Mitchell Mr and Mrs JosephLTedrow celebrated their golden wedding at Hastes last week Eighteen thousand bushels of potatoes thirty carloads have been ship ped from Long Pine The Presbyterians of Falrbury have decided to build a new church or remodel the old one with extensions -In the football game at Lincoln Saturday tho Cornhuskers downed the Missouri Tiger by a score of 34 to 0 The Baptist state convention pledged $7000 to complete the endowment $100000 for the Grand Island college I)r Wright Newman of Aurora was wounded by hunters who were shooting at decoys He may lose his eye sight Postal saving hanks will be estab-Hshed at Bridgeport Havelock North Bend Oakland Overton and Stroms-burg Pembrook who lives at Har vard was seriously injured by being struck by an eastbound freight train Saronvllle The new municipal water plant at Kenesaw la about completed and It 13 expected will be ready for use by November 1 Farmers In the vicinity of Lexington are busy hauling their sugar beets market a continual string of loads going to the dumps nearly all day long Light cases of diphtheria are reputed as having developed In Juniata recently and us a result the primary grades of the public schools had to be closed The new water works plant at Bladen is being pushed to completion The mains arc all laid the tank completed and tho engine house nearly finished Perry Vanscoy a farmer living between Ravenna and Rockville In Sherman county fell from hla barn lof4 Friday sustaining injuries from which be died the following day Some unknown and baffling dlseasa has broken out in cattle In tbe neighborhood of Howe Several head have already died and veterinarians seem unable to check the disease A Jewel case containing about $300 worth of diamond pins watches and necklaces was found In a garbage cad by William Stonem a Lincoln scavenger He turned the grip over to tho police A coroner' Jury exonerated 8 Anatlne of Tacoma from all blame In connection with the death of Harry Kaufman at Lincoln who was playing marbles In the street when struck by an automobile Services In celebration of tbe forty eighth anniversary of the A were held In lb church at making a coupling and fall on dor the wheel of a car As a reauli he will lose hla right log above the knee nnd hla left arm ni the elbow The Beatrice police have nndertnkec the taah of making the young boy stay oft ihe street at night and sa starter arrested six young fellows nn dec eighteen years of age who werv loafing on ihe lawn al the Rock te land depot and offending Hie ears of Maerahy Loan Burk earned ogad 17 year waa kaorked unroasekra and pein fully injured and a srors or mors of ir passenger the majority at thorn indents on their way lo the high tool were badly bntleO nnd shaken np when car on ihe Twentieth and Cawing street line colli led at Omaha onday morning Halt lee Of Brakra Bow waa shot and eertouoly eroded by lb accidental disrhwua at a shot gun while out howling The nine-month oM mis of Vr and Mrs Chester Perkin lAnccIn fell ad foreuMWt into a gallon pall of Her Monday attorn ran at 4 was drowned On arrows! of lie depreda'hmn of chicken Ihlevan a poultry raksara" pro tectlve asonristloa ha been arm I red nl David nty by poultry raison of ibe rommsalty Elaborate prepsraifete arw being made lor dedtcsHoa aartlcro of tbe IMnon ratbollr church at Alliance lo he brid November IS While playing mnrklso In the sin Harry Knntmna at I Angola a I year-old hoy was struck by an astir mobile Tbe bay Urod only three St be If 8 PETERSON Publisher DANNEBROG NEBRASKA FOR IRE BUSY IN EW8 EPITOME THAT CAN SOON BE COMPA88ED MANY EVENTS ME MENTIONED Home and Foreign Intelligence Condensed fnto Two and Four Line Paragraphs Washington- In the name of the stAtjJS of California Arkansas Colorado South Dakota and Nebraska George Fred Williams of Boston sent to Washington a brief calling upon the supreme court of the United States to bold constitutional the endum method of legislation adopted by Oregon The elimination of chicken from the army menu the limitation of turkey to Thanksgiving and Christmas the substitution of ao-called "Held bread" for hard tack and abolishment of the field ration sum up the Important changes In the army ration for the American soldier made during the last year The legal host gathered In Washington to fight before the supreme court of the United States for the constitutionality of the Initiative and referendum methods of leglslalon in this country was augmented by counsel representing the state of Washington They sent a brief to the court but ibeyfAte not expected to participate In the oral argument of the point which arises In a case from Oregon The state of Missouri took Its place among a long list of other states gro-testlng to the supreme court of the United States against the Initiative and referendum method of legislation the board declared unconstitutional The constitutional problem will come up In an Oregon caae before the court this week Mr Major attorney general of Mlaaourl explained that Missouri la particularly Interested because It baa adopted the amendment to the Oregon constitution authorizing the Initiative and referendum legislation General The government Is to be well fortified when It begins IU snU -steel trust suit The postoflre department revenues show surplus for Uis first Urn line 1883 Altbcugb an off year election Interest In tbs coming contests Is growing keen The vote of women will turn the tide in the next municipal ballot gt "tag" Angel Lady (olio Campbell authoress sod Journalist died lo London alter a long Illness Tbs Iowa stats federsloa of retail merchants was organized at Dubuque by 160 retail merchants For ibe first time In ten year's Colo rsdo Is Importing potatoes from Wisconsin Minnesota and Illinois Secretary of War Hilmaon plans to Inspect Use service schools at Forts Lswvea worts sod KUey Kansas Edward Goitre an a nil-Folk man was elected democratic national committee mss in Missouri riKyHe archbishops who have been made cardinals are preparing to go to the consistory at Home Charles Wood of Worcester Maas was sleeted president at th American dairy cattle root rose nt Chicago A Armstrong a wealthy i rhant at Taceoa Arisons committed suicide by shooting himself through the hand The so-called steel trait tavesigat lag committee of the hawse of rep re seatdtlvee will rasaase Its bearisg in Washington November Aviator Rodgers ig Ms coast In const Bight was alight on the Ariaona doaort sixty miles east of Yuma of of gasoline Tim American dreadnought Deis ware of the Atlantic geet tends the other battleships la eBctency at hat tie practlca held off the cape during last fioptemher with a score nf UMI The scrolled 1M of the United ft tee Motofttcei survey roster kept by that bureau of all hua i ns fatalities in this country already this year has had added to it fe sit tee at three of the church wlU tn-Ks the rharr Hlvhop Dsvtd hy Mrs Came of War Rttmaoe ts IB flam at mnitary troimax mbits schools of tie tantff milk took test sad roped win ke grand tutor the add ts ke ef ike ftix i of of Sarsaparilla Cures all humors catarrh and rheumatism relieves that tired feeling restores the appetite cures paleness nervousness builds up the whole system Get it today usual tiquid form or chocolated tablets called Sarsatabs Make the Liver Do its Duty Nine times Im tw-when-the -liver la right the stomach and bowels are LITTLE LIVER PILLS gently butfirmly com pel a lazy liver to do its duty Cures Constipation In digestion Sick Headache end Distress After Eating SMALL PILL SMALL DOSE SMALL PRICE Genuine Signature TYPEWRITERS ALL MAKES Largebt ft took lowest MfiMk Kf'inlnuni $12 Smith Premiers 116 Chicago fH Underwood totth 940 Morurch 40 Hammond $15 Fox tUt Full Guarantee Send for Uutulog A BJB SWANSON CO 1310 Famum St Omaha Neb afflicted with) sum ejea uo i Eye Watsr WILLING TO BELIEVE HIM De It la a generous and helpful world De Indeed? De Ye When It was announced that I desired to die a comparatively poor man there was a general movement to assist me in the enterprise Summoned as Witnesses Whenever Rev Solon Jefferson called on Aunt Candace It was her custom to aet a plate of gingerbread before him and then ply him with wbat she called "Ilglous pound I ns" "Wba' fo' doe de Lawd send epl- demies Into de load? ibe asked him one day I "When folk get to bad dey mum be removed aome of 'em Slat' Candace 1 den de Lawd parmlta de coming oh aa epidemic" said Mr Jefferson and took a large bite of gingerbread I Ub said Aunt Candace Ef daf so buW come de good people 81 removed aloog wld de bad good one are summoned fo' ld Rev Solon fortified In spirit and clnr8d In mind by th gingerbread although slightly embarrassed In bis utterance "De tjiwd gib every man a fair Youth Companion Apologies are perfectly satisfactory hoar who make them -MB If th Rad Blood Corpuscle That Propar Food Makes An Ohio woman say Grape NuU food gave her good red blood sod fettered the twee of youth to a complexion that bad bean muddy and BtMfli For 10 year I bad stomach troublo which produced breaking out on my face The doctor gave It a tong I atm but their medicine failed to earn it Along with this I had fro-quest headache nertroomaae and usually pstn In my stomach after meal "I got disgusted with Ibe drugs stopped them and caff off short and quit eating everything hat Iron and Grape-Nut with Foe turn for my labl -Tho headaches stomach trouble MACfTDttl 1 rBjtftftWMi dlEADDrifM) ml ra -roe mro row tori like magic which showed that when ike reus was removed and good food and drink used nature aa toady to help 'My blood was purified and my com-1 deetared th i note for gnetrttu Name given by Fortum Co Btle Creek Stick Rood 1 he mtJ Weffritte" in There i free era sto abas USED FOOT FOR TARGET AND HIT A TOE NEWS FROM OVER THE STATE What is Going on Here and There That is of Interest to the Read-Throughout and Vicinity Table Rock Sidney Craig the fifteen-year-old son of Craig met with an accident Sunday that Is like-jljMto lay him up for some time He was playing with a 22-caliber revolver which was loaded and using his foot as a target' endeavoring to jerk his foot back after he had pulled the trigger In this he succeeded until the last time when he was a little too ulow The bulifit went through his shoe imbedding itself in his toe Know It Was Loaded Auburn A serious accident happened at the home of Frank pirns north of town The aevcnteen-ysSfr-old while handling a 22-cllber rifle it and the ball passed the nose of a babe and Into mother's breast The Child was at the time The doctor is that neither wound will prove Bond Election Carrie At- the special election hero Tuesday two propositions improvements were successful was for bonds for sewerage In the sum of $7000 and the was for a new concrete reservoir water servico In the sum of Will Reconctruct Factory Island Tho reconstruction as machinery Is concerned of sugar factory will take place bb tho present season of manufacture closes which will be about 1 The present capacity of will be greatly increased Woman Burned to Death -A small frame occupied by Mrs Catherine aged 77 was burned Sunday After the lire the remains aged woman was fourd In the FROM THE STATE HOUSE state university dairy Judging won fourth place In the annual dairy show contest held at Friday and Saturday asserted that I -and Com ml-loner Cowles knows by name every at every state Institution and keeps au accurate census of at all of the Institutions Professor Montgomery of the agricultural cotlego has accepted from Cornell university and writ! leave his present position about crease of nearly foo nn its net operating expense thin eur over teat year This results from an Increase of liooooo In groan operating rev nue and a reduction of over IJSO0 00 tn operating expense The an anal report also shows that the company earned 16 per cent on IU rapt tal stock and shows a surplus of $1 HM7 at against ItliJetl la 11 Treasurer GeefftO will be obliged lo register a $14000 warrant drawn on tbe male general fund The I exhausted and the Urge warrant )u prewewled will he tnkew with permanent school lands and rwgtaiered for the benefit of the The warrant presented by Gerald ft floe of Omaha ran tractor who nr building a new eirur-lure at i he stale normal ni Wayne If present plana are carried through Prank A Harrtaou of IJacula will lake charge of ihe western bewduuar tr ef tfce national laFotMl league of ihe country within ibe next tew rk Presume of ihe gmenior a of fire ha found that tho average ago of W1 convict at the penitentiary i twenty seven yearn The youngest at that number I eighteen year of age and Ihe otdeat la seventy fixe years Two hundred and fifty-nix of ten Ms are on record as seine liquor Tbe national guard ratlin rotewaa a of Omaha baxo received metal taker pc Id tor test of the eut a lowaare for armory rent and all of Ibo rompentao at Ike 3 'town I guard win receive similar lark era shortly A Parities of ike stale Hon reference bateau I In Beatrim gathering dale span loan) ktaory Ho wnt vtaM the Freeman Mtmntirad the firm ibe United fttaiao under ike komaniend not rake ptrinree of ike ftremlooa end interview member nf tbe family temMar with forty In Gog ooantp go of at to Harvard according to me annual award of tbu Bears prise are Robert Taft son of the president and Uharlta Hughes ton of Justice Hugh Fort Worth and Denver passenger train No 8 northbound was wrecked one mile west of Bellevue Tex Engineer Cunningham Is dead and bia fireman and a number of passenger were Injured Matt McOralb of tbe Irish Athletic ejub threw the 18-pound hammer it: feet and 4 Inches at Celtic park in January I He will be a professor In the department of field crops In the New York institution Kglcston of Harrisburg Neb president of the stats irrigation association railed st the office of State Engineer Price to perfect arrange-menta for the cecond annual meeting of the association which will be held struck by a switch engine st Bridgeport November 14 and IS The silver Jubilee of Nebraska The association has Invited the entire i UhrURlift endeevorers by far lbs Nebraska delegation In congress to at- tagest and according to endeavor tend the meeting and has invited con leaders the most satisfactory state New York thus breaking tbe world's gressmen and senator from other 1 convention ever held by the Nebraska by John Flanolgan by ute union closed at Unrein Sunday The Burlington railroad In Its an Ulareoce Austin a Burlington brake anal report for Iftll shows an in- three faeL The spot on the parapei of old Fori prise Sunday the Baptiot Methodist and English Lutheran churches uniting In the services Charles Young who has been In the employ of the Burlington for more than twenty-five died Baturday from the effect of tnjurlea received In the yards at Mac-tin that morning He man allpped on a cinder at Hutton Htsveaa where President Lincoln stood exposed to confederate fire dm lag the nttnek by General Early on the city of Wnahlngton la to ha marked by a huge boulder Unis WaelchU of Allentown Pa sllas Lieutenant Norton of the United States army waa arrested at Dnlntk by John Bowea a secret service man on charge of impersonating an officer with intent to defraud James Mfinb of Kansas Cty and ft 8 Bmbrey of Onlavntley Mo wore accepted as talesmen In the Hyde se Although he had lived la that city for seven years Merab aatd ke bad never heard at the Hyde caae ua til when he was summoned as a voairetaaa The Rav Mr Rich aeon eaa Indict for murder nt Boston The ItllAts fish commission la tc gar In the Lortmer aquiry Ki President Roosevelt celebrated la its birthday on Oct XT The greatest crowd at hla Itinerary reeled President Taft ol Pittsburg Aa affidavit asking Ike recall or dnyar Henry Avery waa filed witn ke clly clerk Colorado Bpnngs Chief Justice White at Ibe auprem court of the Called Slate last week lehrs led hi eitty-algtb birthday aa ilveraary Norman Coleman the first ssrre iry at agrtcuRsre of the United train died a few day ag President Toft ksa approved I be at MMehlpmaa ft Robe nt Annapolis Speaker fthurtlelf told the mumlttee ox Mayor Bu Painter fork World filed i ef Ike New from heart II ft MagiU ef nt Palled A Nr OcswcsPoe Philadelphia Pn Aknrles fthirfien hero of One Wirier a "Virginian" who dorerted western pUtina to bw a policeman sere I to take charge at a game preserve Poatnmalo os of my friends who pTO Company Br-nq fiult tSUcted It I ked bee Me followed Madison WIs The WlseetHu Tet I my advice and la a short lime was re-phase romps ay Belli brought ac-1 stored fo complete health and In shoot tton before tbe slate railroad cnnait stun to prevent that body from forcing th tll law requiring phyrtr si connection between elephant com pic slao became like a young girt wbllo my eight won Increased from to tin pounds In a few good re id firm flesh where to tra aoft and ttabby 1 recommended Grape-Nnfe and I mouths her weight Increased fr ln to II pounds "Our doctor observing th effect of Orape-Nnta and Poriom tn rear khfnf fa a mm f- a ft rf vv euro rvrm wvwsqm the cowrie at ihta city to i anas He aaya Us ye -In OeruMi.
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