The Charlotte Observer from Charlotte, North Carolina (2024)

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The Charlotte Observeri

Charlotte, North Carolina

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IiiallaiMAN1111Balia fiatetatURA11111111dIelliMimatilinommolibionamsitedmormaineVkinmaimmummtef N- 4b6IMIliltilleiliAllilliSIMaiiitaillinillmoMIIPONIIVIMICONEKIJIIIII1111141111APOIMIUMMAMMAIMMIAMMIN111611111111iffinialtiiiibot Wigwam THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER SECTION ONE PAGE THREE The Foremost Newspaper of The Two Carolinas WEDNESDAY JUNE 7 19'39 )1' WHETHER SHOT AIMED AT duch*eSS ENOUGaPPIUNEHn sinWill Rogers' Statue Unveiled BANKERS MJRName Gamelin Head BY WESTBROOK PEGLER I I I I LI In Shrine Of Gat AicansgEr Eli tOf French Defense cENtire 12K 1i jnrle o7iNftZ1ijilITE IIJ MER re mer 1 1 1 1 1 XTEW YORK June is the time for all good fricnds Mr Tom Mooney to organize 7 It 4o Cabinet Decree Unifies Land Sea and Air Forces Under Some Of the Many Who Loved Police Report Defendant Pro- Him Jam Capitol Rotunda at 'Conservative' Financing Of Command Of 66-Year-Old Army Chieftain Revise Rankings Of Other Officers Buyer Possible Outlet For Rites In Hall Of Fame duced Firearms Permit and Gave Excuse Vast Surplus Funds vast Ourplus ruriu I of an international society dedicated to the work of ---7 keeping arren in rretfti Billings i '-'A- prison As lo ng 01z6i as Mr Billings 44-" remains behind the bars in Fol- TOM Font Calif Mr 41' Mooney ill lir I have an excuse 400'''' No- 1 to abstain from commOn toil but fA the minute the forgotten a of the historic dynamiting case walks out of prison Dir Mooney will become fair prey for any will become Jim- pi vy IVASHINGTON June 6 Rogers the cow THE CHIEF PARIS June soft-spoken 66-year-old arrm GRAND RAPIDS Mich June 6 chieftain w' a reputation efiic efficiency for the consum rmethodical er asi one possible outlet for the surplus funds now held in banks was pro- Maurice Gustave a ero the A mbeyr i cJnothi John ons ti I rutaed doif tml toedeamymahned a Banking today in assistant vice president of the Man- T9 ufacturers Trust company of New adce 8 defense forces York By a cabinet decree he added the In an address to a sectional title Of "commander-in-chief' to kpet- his already imposing list concen- annual convention Paddi said log of the institute's thirty-seventh trating in him more military power "Credit for the consumer has de- than was ever before granted in veloped beyond the stage of theory the modern French republic except and has become an integral part to his sole superior Premier Edou- of our system It roust however ard Daladier Land sea ind air be kept in control It is in control forces are unified under his corn- when the consumer is financed t-rmq1 By virtue of his position as chief) vAl 11 HZ5 conservatively" LONDON June middle- aged cyclist was presented in magis- hON' humorist and philosotrate's court today as the man whH pher took his place today had fired a sawed-off shotgun near alongside the nation's most the duch*ess of Kent and then ped-! riled off briskly insistin solemnly III List iOUS sons and daughhe was "quite in order" ters in the select confines of The sworn story of the strange the Capitol's Statuary hall perambulations of Ledwedge Vin- There in the presence of wet-eyed cent Lawlor 45-year-old steelwork- admirers was unveiled a bronze er left unanswered however the likeness of the man who began life principal question in the case in a simple home on the plains of whether he had aimed his weapon Oklahoma and ended it in an Arc-deliberately at the duch*ess King tic airplane crash George's sister-in-law or had mere- Nlembers of his family officials ly fired at random high in national and slate govern petambulations of Ledwedge Vin- There in the presence oi wet-eyed Lawlor 45-year-old steelwork- admirers was unveiled a bronze ier left unanswered how ever the likenes the in man who began life principal question in the case hether he had aimed hiveaponi in a simPle "nme on the Plains of Oklahom deliberately at the duch*ess King' a and ended it in an Arc- George's sister-in-law or had mere-: tic airplane crash ly fired at random embers of his family ofTicials hioh national and slate govern- 'cf: :1 44 1r ::4 2 4:7 4-- '''1 ip''' 1-y I- :9 PI N'')A fistet5 't' zit 7 Iv 4ssli '14T -P4r if -4 44- kl ii: Ntb: is 4c: :4:: 1'1'4 'Icm: 4 rk i 1 1 ITO 1::: 4f 'i li': s' N't i'''''? tA ift- Nct -4: i 14-0---- Al I''' -111k 1 I '1 el! )) A -i: A6 lk i' -4 -e -5-4! 04 401- 4 '4'AA '004' of the army general staff General Paddi said bankers have turned Gamelin also became commander-to intermediate credit loans install- in-chief of the land forces Rear ment financing of both consumer Admiral Jean Darlin chief of staff and industrial purchases building of the navy and General Vuilleloans insurance premium financing min chief of staff of the air army mortgage and property improve- moved up to similar titles in their ment loans and other types of in- respective forces vestment "in their search for NOWIN LONDON brighter spots on the banking hoGeneral Gamelin now Is In Lonrizon to bolster diminishing prof-don for military talks with British its" Polish and Turkish officers lie termed the installment plan An unassuming soldier who useful a device for consumer narily prefers a dark business suit credit as the trade acceptance is for business credit" to a military uniform General Gamelin is termed by his assistants Credit also came in for exhaus- as the lone professional soldier in tive discussion when Philip A Ben- France who "knows the value of sort of Brooklyn president of the our armies their needs their depths American Bankers' association told and their possibilities" the institutes that government An official list of promotions "control of the credit system could sued by the national defense min-easily istry revised technical rankings of other superior officers in the army France who "knows the value of! our armies their needs their depths and their possibilities" An official list of promotions sued by the national defense min! istry revised technical rankings fit other superior officers in the armyimg GENERAL GAIIELIN 424 ELAN -2 z-- sinister character who wants to walk up to him and offer him a job I It might be hard on Mr Billings to stay in Folsom but it would I be worse on Mr Mooney to let him out Not only would Mr ss Mooney be exposed to employment His appearance in Westminster awful fate for one who had police court was brief and his case ments' representatives of stage (Ind abandoned work in the literal and was adjourned for a week wisifs screen hundreds of Oklahomans and arduous meaning of the word lone 'authorities held him for a scores of private citizens were before the dynamiting but he investigation into the gun shot in arnung the 2'0nll who -lammed the was would lose the mission in life which I Belgrave square last night when rotunda as the statue unveiled NS enabled him to appear at public the duch*ess was leaving her resi-! Chet- by Mrs iary McSpadden I ceremonies and accept ovations for a movie sea Okla sister of Rogers and i W11 president of the Motion Mr Billings should be willing I Charged with illegal possession of 1 II a's pres Picture Producers and Distributors to make this sacrifice for one so a firearm with intent to endanger! of noble as Mr Mooney life or property" Lawlor sat by America Moreover the defense business primly and silently as a police con- IN NATURAL POSE 'would go into a tailspin issr with stable testified that the prisoner ex- The a depicting him In characteristic pose a whimsical is action when seized ne his! Mooney and Billings both out of jail "se- 1- and earning a living there would bicycle but producing a permit for smile on his face hair towsled and be no further excuse for the col- his and saying: hands in his was pre leetion of funds for the support "I did not hit anyone did It sented by Oklahoma as its second and final contribution to the HMS is quite in order- I have a certill- of selfless communist workers for of Fame It svill stand near a like-1 rate" 1 the cause of justice in this particu- BROAD CHARGE ness of the states other represenlar case The charge against Lawlor who the Indian who It was a sad day for the defense gave his occupation as a welder invented Cherokee alphabet business when the State of Califor- 1 and his address as in Southeast Rogers himself was part Cherokee nia and the sometimes erratic but ilsondon was so broad that it might Each state is permitted two rep-comparatively lenient American embrace anything from a prank to resentatives in Statuary hall system of justice finally ejected serious attempt on the life of Mrs Betty Rogers I widow Mr Mooney himself from his status 'royalty her children Jimmy Bin and Mary: of distinguished guest in San Quen- Some court spectators saw a paral- Mrs Paula Lowe a niece Dr tin prison lel with the incident in which Bushyhoad a cousin and close George Andrew McMahon an re- friend of the family svatcher the centric threw a loaded pistol to- ceremony silently Senator Barkley NI-R MOONEY in his passionate ward King Edward VIII during si of Kentucky the Democratic lead- 1 admiration for Tom Mooney July i Governor con military procession I 1 16 193C er Cove I Phillips of the nonworking friend of the Amer- iola h- i on Subsequently served most Oklahoma a Luther Harrison lean worker had centered all the of a year in jail Oklahoma i editorial writer attention and publicity on himself' Scotland yard started an investi- paid tribute to Rogem and the public had all but forgotten jgation to determine whether a GARNER JONES ATTEND that Mr Billings was in prism! terrorist campaign was re-1 Vice President Garner and Jesse too and the victim of an outrage spansibte for the Belgra ve Squarel IT Jones chairman of the RFC ho less vile than the one of which incident and for another in which al were among those on the platform Mr Mooney claimed to be a victim window pane in tile home of the Governor Phillips who present-In his conversations at San Quen- Princess Royal the Kings sister ed the statue to the nation termed tin where he was allowed to hold was punctured Rogers America's best known and 4 press confrences and conduct an The husband of the princess the most revered private citizen and international propaganda through Earl of Harewood called Scotland "nor unofficial ambassador of good the communists Mr Mooney rarely i yard about the window which had will to the world" sss soo ss so Steen nonntratrel 1111 rn iqsilei Pri-I When time has sifted out the international propaganda through Harewood called Scotland the communists Mr Mooney rarely about the window which had penetrated by a missile Po- press contrences aria connuct an 1 1 ta oos0000 la L' i'" r------ international propaganda of Hare wood called Scotland "olir unofTicial ambassador of good the communists Mr ely Mooney rar about the window which had will to the world" he penetrated by a missile Po- When time has sifted out the 1 te-A 1 WILL ROGERS 4) i60 4' I twins for a revival of the pact tie gotiations The British cabinet is to consider the question tomorrow is! it as understood Sources close to the foreign of- fice said the French were suggest- an accord which would include navy and air force the Baltic countries indirectly with Other ministerial decrees strength- out mentioning them It ened preparations for war-time de- was said the text of the re- fense One would bring the ports vised proposition would be sent to Warsaw and Bucharest for approv- immediate and strict military con- of Le Havre and Bordeaux uncle-1 al before being submitted to Mos 1 trol in an emergency provided credits for continued! General Gamelin a native Pa- risian previously held the three building up of reserve war siip-1 plies and a third tightened dis-I highest military titles in France He was chief of the national defense ciplinary rules for the marchant: general staff and vice president of marine Few details were disclosed' Foreign Minister Georges Bon- the Superior war council as well net gave the ministers a long ex- Only Daladier outranked him as as chief of the army general staff planation of negotiations for president of the superior war coun- three-power a I assistance the pact neh cabinet is In tomorrow foreign suggest 'ould include irectly with-I of the red be sent to for approvAed to Mosnative Pa-the three France He mat defense president of Ica as well eneral staff ced him as war truly great he said Rogers name will be "etched in the books of fame imperishable and undimmed" Senator Barkley replied that Rogers' life illustrated the opportunities of Of 72 statues in the II Fame he said all but 12 were those of public officials He said he wondered if ater services were not performed by persons who "walked in humble ways" than by office holders who sometimes feel themselves more revered WON EEOELE'S HEARTS "Rogers was more than an netor and philosopher" Barkley said ''He was a real statesman who U'ove his way into hearts of more men and women in the nation than any man names are in the statute way into hearts of more teen and women in the nation than any man whose names are in the statute easily become control of the entire books He was a friend and con economic system Of the country" fident of Kings Presidents n- gressmen and legislators but more A Brown president of the than that he was a friend and con- Ohio Citizens Trust company of lident of the humbler men and Toledo said in an address this aft-women of the world He gave time ernoon that country bankers have and talent to make America a bet- a real opportunity to "nail" the ter place in which to live" progress of government influence Harrison said that in all the pre- in the field of private lending to vious years of American history farmers by adopting an aggressive George Washington was the onlytattitude reducing interest rates and selection for the Hall of Fame to providing the proper "quality" of receive unanimous approval of the credit for the farmer's needs American people "Today" be added ''the sons and ICE PLANT DAM BREAKS daughters of Oklahoma present a companion to Washington He is a NEAR ELIZABETHTOWN man who is the unanimous choice Sprrial to ThP Obserrerof become control of the entire economic system of the country" ICE PLANT DAM BREAKS NEAR ELIZABETHTOWN Sprrial ThP Obserrer mentioned Mr Billings and when lice found no immediate connection he was evicted by the American be A system of justice he was at a loss tween the two incidents but had for a few minutes But in this consideration the possibility that sympathizers with the out- desperate Ituation Mr 1Ionnev lawed Irish Republican army were thought fast and decided that it would be quiet impossible for him responsible Several members of to disappear hto the obscurity of the royalty-hating organization have i been daily employment as long as War- convicted of bombings in 1-en Billings remained in prison England VISITS CENTER He became suddenly very much The duch*ess meanwhile krnt mentioned Mr Billings and when lice found no immediate connection he was evicted by the American! the two incidents but had system of justice he was at a lass kinder consideration the possibilityl for a few minutes But in this dsperate It ua ion Mr sympathizers with the out- aTonnev law Irish army were thought fast and decided that it ed Re i responsible Several members of would be quiet impossible for him the royalty-hating organization ion ave' to disappear ilito the obscurity of beed daily employ convict bom ings in ment as long as War- England ren Billings remained in prison much VIsITS NT He became suddenly The duch*ess meanwhile kopt an of the people of the United tSates ELIZABETHTOWN June 6 A agreement among France Great! This man who never held an f- dam at Mercer's mill pond near Britain and Russia He empha-! fice became pre-eminently great" hate broke late Sunday atter- sized the difference in COUNTY MEASURE noon and destroyed an ice plant of the British and Russian govern- which was constructed during the IS CONTINUED BY HOUSE A 1)4 A 4 Ft ments over the question of assist- v'inter months Gross own- ance guarantees to Latvia Estonia COLUMBIA June 6--OP Nerituotrotall er estimated damage at 820000 Finland guarantees which! The House continued today the bill Water because of recent rains Russia desires by Reprsntative Black to appro- I ee was at flood stage in the pond' Bonnet was said to have obtainecLpriate $25000 for purchase of road STARTS ON PAGE ONE 1 thing from the NV Tee a ge of govern -Can gained fame as chairman ofi Cross was on his way to open a 'approval for continuing his for York county Rep- I ment-business "co-operation" lthe committee hich drafted the second flood gate he LI the break mane efforts to bring about a three- resentative Bradford made the I mo- But the two Russian aviators due It was promoted by Secretary of setup of the New York came Valuable machinery was de- povver pact Bonnet then had aLtion "with the consent of the au- 1 to the their ideological egos failed to Comerce Harry Hopkins and by Stock he's no new stroYed Cross intends to rebuild 1 long telephone conversation with thor" The delegation had given aware that there was such a man 1 afternoon engagement to- visit an' practical instructions as to certain business leaders till dealer Stettinius Jr of soon as possible His ice serv-i Charles Corbin French ambassaori the bill a majority unfavorable rests Billings and pedged himself to infant wlfare center A new pre kveather and geographical drec- feel that their wisest course is to Steel is a "Morgan Ace is the only one in Bladen county London on the French 5 the sacred ask of getting him out of the Chelsea Babies' clobi tions They even disregard: ed sug-try to play ball with Charles Hook of American! That is nice work and Mr Mooney the willowy 32-year-old fashion' gestions that they keep in touch or at least go through the mills headed the National! with aviation points in the enjoys it thoroughly not only be- Ileader patted the heads of scores of key the hope that the administration' Association of Manufacturers in the i United States StICII RS Old Orchard! can be stated flatljthat the'Rnosevelt ith cause it protects him from contact most of whom wore! Field lit reciprocate to some extent 1days when its opposition to Mr He a Dub with a ClubBut a Pro with a Frosty Bottle I the time clock and the ordi- rCalifornia-sivie sunsuits in whatIVIe- and Roosevelt 1 It was most aggressive nary routine of Wor i stiffs but British call a "heat wave" It The State department le arned belated iacier report that the Preident was company is an outspoken consera- rty was a bust New York in i Gann Dun of White Engineering aI so because it affords him oppor- i was fu degrees mlly 82 labout thiessed-up affair 0 -e- and was extremely cxerci sed over tunities to accept ovations for Tom Extra police at the party were I polite but not particularly cordial tive I the lack of Moscow-1A ashington nis guests The visitors ler theirl Hovering in the background were 7 A "kn Mooney only unusual sign The Duke King operation This inci dent demon-i s'V4'' 'i Genrge's youngest brother person- talked turkey to Mr RooseveltSidney Weinberg of Goldman stes as London is ow disco labor ta ver-! his i he car tra on and utilitY questions ardent advocate of let's- fl4! FI received the highest tribute ONCE wrote that he had escort ed she left her three -storied Immei ry ing in to devise a German' Thomas but when they left they frankly Thoas Wat- in the square where the shot as encirclement mrwernent' Imv dif i did not feel they ad made much of of International Business a- Vt'43 ''0ii 'i ver given a human being" hen 1 Ificult it is to co-operate ith Mus heard last night an impression appears to company has done te- he returned to San Francisco and Invites The arrest yesterday in Detroit be convinced that he has given well on government orders -t-tst-e'-' mieb of sea Russell admitted bui a sne all the breaks he can ss and The group was representative of ::::::1 ss the confession that he regarded Att Os: himself as a human being was the 1 tatead man" of the outlawed Irish' EQ1'aLITY A famous German that industrialists and bankers are many viewpoints but its composi- 1 iky: most modest expression that he had I organization drew from the foreign aeronautical air attache a bunch of heels for not being tion was hardly calculated to in 1 1 uttered about Tom Mooney in yearsInflice a disclosure that the United of the Berlin embassy appreciative of his kindness: spire the President with confidence It settled some doubts too! because States government had been asked cently toured America's naval and to them His left-wing advisersin its friendly relations towards his 1 there were those who had gather- 0 keep an eye on Russell's activi- military aviation plants He plainly sold him the idea M'ItIULLIN 12 1 ert that he thought of himself as a ties been shown almost every secret of further concessions to bosiness 4 '4: God The I A letider was taken into our air strength 1 (1 se than THOMAS HARRISON i Mr Mooney almost missed an custody for overstaying a 30-day He has been given official entree otherwise rts--k te ovation arranged in his honor by visitnrs pemit on the of the to the three foremost RV iati 0 The WILL QUIT FACULTY i communis ts on hi arrial of Kin 1 arrivi-il in New George and Queen! Innts eu Boeing eine and Lock-1 elegatin I RAE June dH ''N York to continue the riot too reary Elizabeth at near by Windsor Ont1111 i I ed I he United Si States He has from the council a cunous placate Thomas Perrin Ha mix- 1 i IA' 0 SO a 1 kN' work of agitating for the releIse during the royal tou been allow re of moll awish to I to see and to examine: IL the first dean of the college at :1:::::::: gitS)tt 6 -saatt the people of the United tSates ELIZABETHTOWN June 6 A This man who never held an of- dam at Mercer's mill pond near fice became pre-eminently great" there were those who had gather- to keep an eye on Russell's activi- plainly sold him the idea M'MULLIN 11 ed that he thought of himself as a ties military aviation plants He been shown almost every secret or further concessions to bosiness God The I A leader was taken into our air strength 1 worse than or DR THOMAS HARRISON Mr Mooney almost missed no custody for overstaying a 30-day He has been given official entree otherwise ovation arranged in his honor by visitors' permit on the eve of the to the three foremost aviation! WILL QUIT FACULTY communists on his arrival in New arrival of King George and Queenl Boeing and Lock- i -I a 'o CONCILIA1 TI 0 ch rob I RALEIGH June York to continue the not too drearyiElinbeth at near by Windsor OntI herd the United States He has from the council was a curious mix- work of agitating for the release during the royal tou been allowed to ee and to examne -lu of moo who wish to placate Perrin Harrison who was I si re the first dean of the college at mink ministration and others who! ELIZABETHTOWN June 6 A darn at Mercer's mill pond near hore broke late Sunday afternoon and destroyed an ice plant which was constructed during the winter months Gross own s''' x-- "7- 6 '0 5: '4 '5W 1 v- i'' 't 1 s' 4 1 1 ii Ar' i 1 340: 7 's: 7 111 1 I "P'' ii '1 5 -1'vii4Ns4li 2 4t IA: k'J'' HOUSE ine day the bill to approase of road ty Rep-(IC the moot the au-had given vorable re-'tile I 71 4--- Aat44 ::0 U0: -A ---7- ---W- 5ii- tiAZi 5 i --5 I x0 4- i t4 '7 I''''''' 114t pt 4ii: A 4 M4-4: i '''1- )1 's i ''''W'''''''4: V'''' t'' 4' 4 tl etr'' '4t i4P 4' 4440c- 10! 4v 3'' 1 40' '1'''''' 4) 'g'" w4t $4 '-'4--4lif -s 4k1 1t lt txz a ox Ait- T-t'V: 4' i ''1s'1' s''' ::7 1 -1140aPi4' 7q'- 4 T''''A i'''0' ''4F'7 A t' A of Mr Billings It appears that In his brief police court Sams roost I-1 ad pursuit I 0 State college here will retire he got in a couple' of hours too 1 ance La wlor nervously fingered a bumb mg an sena ion planes their ho have s- English faculty an ve made no secret of i the 1 It be- early and found that the ovation I worn felt hat at the outset but Herr Hiller's envoy has been given tility to most of Mr Roosevelt'si I come dean emeritus of the college was not due to start until the ar- eemeri calm as the testimony pro- the same privileges that were ex- policies land college editor it was revealod rival of a later train Rut Mr grossed He spoke a rapid "no sir" he tended to the French mission sev- Averill Har- Council Chairman 'today Colonel Harrelson Mooney is not one to deny the corn- when the magistrate asked if 'eral months ago riman has been an outstanding ex- alclan Munists a longed-for opportunitY to ne two tables police constables wished to question police wonesses ponent of conciliation The councile of administration said Dean Harrison came to State in of tlice co on These pro-German privileges of i would probably have dissolved it- express their admiration Of Tom 1910 brought by the late President last 0 duty at Belgrave Square la nih I course were extended withoutlself in disgust long since except for Mooney so he waited patiently principal "se 11111 fact and had been a member was the knowledge Secretary his unflagging efforts to persuade tt and then descended to the train al witness The po- White I faculty since -eyman Robert Tire told how he Hull in short is playing up to Hem his colleagues that some sort oteL -1 Adjustm nt level where he entered a rear car were made in the English depart- heard a the shot as the duch*ess' car Hitler liaison agency between government! of the later train and emerged to us Iment to fill his chair 5 crossed a street intersection and biness is essential He fig- saw the prisoner cross the accept the tribute HE" AD' Deal liberals I N' ures that the only alternative isIISTED BONDS' MARKET This is not entirely new in the toward a bicycle" he said nit including SEC Chairman Jerome ovation line in New York for pret-Iman and woman who were in al Frank and new member open warfare between them which Leon lien- be detrimental to both and VALUE $48920968 566 ty ladies and gentlemen of the rnov- ear spoke to me and from what' del's" were the me 11 who rni''''''so far he has managed to hold the log picture business have staged they told me I boarded their car to sidetrack the investigation of the group together NEW YORK June arrivals hi a similar mariner and and we followed him until we got current "money jam" John Biggers of Libby-Owen- New York Stock exchange today some are even said to have gone to the junction of Chapel street Both Mr Frank and Mr tender- Eimd alhough a Republican alsorrported all bond issues listed in Tin farther than Yonkers to board and Grosvenor place avhere the son won confirmation to their pres- is that business snow Id go atlthe exchange as of May 31 had a trains and disembark shrilling for ear swerved nod stopped the pris- ent posts through Wall Street rein- least half way in tiny program ollpar value of $52647221728 market the cameras and the autograph fans once" forcernent But when the shelving anon I Fogarty co-operation gar I V01110 of $1392099856G and average fresh from artistic triumphs in Hot- Ile told 110W Lawlor readily sm- proposition was presented to th North American privately hog no Price per $1000 bond of 592920 ly wood rendered his carefully polished foot- Senate antimonopoly committee it A month earlier total par value For Mr Mooney's own sake it is long shotgun but maintained that aroused their anger and antipathy use for the New Deal but his corn- A pony (a Harrison Williams utility) was S525(34355273 market value to be earnestly hoped that he will "I am entitled to this" 8So Chairman O'Mahoney ordered "i has tried to cultivate amicable re- 518127511742 and average price not overdo his campaign to free hot checkup Messrs Frank and! htions with 1Vashington as a Warren Billings For if he mat $91560 PRISONER SHOT DOWN Henderson were licked There will ter of policy I On June I last year par value ng price per $1000 bond of $92920 A month earlier total par value $52584355273 market value $8127511742 and average price $9150 On June 1 last year par value aggregated $18243744251 market value $42148644435 and average price was S87780 5 -41 1 -64-1-435' -7 N'a ile -4fi an MP was $877130 WY CILIc IA 41 llllll ign 4L 111 he investigation of the money Fhould use just a half degree too IN ATTEMPTED ESCAPE ljam and it will 1 a make plenty Of much pressure Mr Billings also might be turned out as a further LUMTIERTON June 6m headlines vindication of American justice and 1 MOSP Williams 31-year-old Lum- line Mr Mooney would be uP Pgamst berton negro suffered from a pis- reported In comprise 1200 separate a fate which to one long um tot wound in the back today vhich forts pillboxes and gun emplace- acquainted with toil except by hoar- was inflicted the Robeson county -00t'g mnre than 200000 ITIP11 said IN ATTEMPTED ESCAPEljam and it will make plenty WI LUMTIERTON June headline Mose Williams 31-year-old Lum- 6 I Siegfried line borton negro suffered from a pis- renortm In comprise 120fi separate tot wound in the back today which forts pillboxes and gun emplace- was inflicted the Robeson county 4- ti- TU1 (inn mrn said hear was inflicted L' I acquainted with toil except by the Roy monis more than 200000 ITIP11 said li- UNFRIENDLY Of the ethers Carle Conway of ContinentaLprice scort Supply Service AR000 410 ahoo or I go Adr Ai Ard 1 ar Pfter boo II 11 lho mho say would he hardly preferable to prison camp soper mentienr rionert to he stationed there at present death Monroe said by Guard Frank Cox Numerous Italians demobilized in t'incselescrdalaleywilTil Johnson said msclattenmm spain win reovuo there as eld Menace By Court BUCKNELL NEW CONSUL le negro prom ly Arm ret over on i cal" keep eYe an 1 llechni-1 1 General Franco Average pc- GENERAL AT BARCELONA I'Vlooroe said Cox shot Wilha ilis rind of continuous employment on NEW Y0111 June his mother financial agent nt the when he attempted to escape a sec- June nod time yesterday Williams has INPA a fraction et a month over Peckham heard his busincs of sup- service a over their fees after one rear: nearly i of cash-and-carry escorts to The Senate has approved rresident served about four months of a 12 Wil A 1t nr1 cinri 1h Intl 1crnhrrl nc 13 theY had done their Jobs Tne zlellaTO MS npproven rresinent serven annut tour months or 12 taken on since vomp described As a "very IllrY nan nn lin toeir Joys WPA roster lonely OVERCOMES HANDICAP AT golfers play for a score Wise ones for fresh air exercise and an appetite that makes Dr Pepper taste doubly good Dr Pepper is the sure pleasant way to beat those pesky handicaps: hunger thirst and fatigue Make a dash for the cooler and get yourself refreshed A flavor delight and a liquid bite costs but a nickel or a score gs tee doubly thirst relight rtosoevelt's nomination of lloward months sentence for carrying a con- le' sent Thicknell Jr of Georgia to he eon- milled wteapoiL 5 beginning of recession in fall of'serious evil" and was fme 20 $5 Lice Commissioner License Comissner Paul Moss 1037 itodav for operating an employment said "In the last for yenrs we sul general it Ilarrelonn Itucknell formerly Was nt Geneva 5 SABOTAGE IS INTIMATED Recent bulletin claims without license Ile Also have been trying to stamp nut what i leave its rolls for tirivate cropioY-was gikTit a thl'er-month suspended Wn th ink is a very serious (01 in 1 this city HELP $TOMACH AFTER FIRE IN WARSAW1 ment at averate rate of 100000 a in i I term nearly arly four and one-half' His trial general FCSSiOnS Cniirt "As result of the publicity DIGE5T FOOD WAnSAW Jun(' El 1 -1')--hrl Illl'i million ha ve eparted since pro-'discloed that handsome tl-font po-givcii to Peckham six or seven of ith completed $2000 di 000 Warsaw crit ci trd in Inv) '1-Irp than Thomas Farrell once had Ithese agencies have grown up They Wout I ou'll Eat 1 1 gi i Everything from Soup to Nuts Ill'al l'tliwilv stilltt'll Nyts htdlY dtull- It per rent of Uncle Sinn's lituotinn liven on the pay roll of the Peck- no a menace to the city nd to itt''''''h "-t''l (I I'" 4 I 111'(1 bY I'ld'Y cpr of public domain itill remains ham Guide 1scort Service Inc rtit'111rorlor I CIIC111ited and three men to 1- swvi 1i in western v-hicti wtis titiptiltirly sitilitised Ifi "WitillPil who are overcharged by 'her 1r 1ms41 0(111 I I VP! 0 IT 1)I 1 I'd 0 he under Brrost slat imy TucKER have employed ntty cscoi Is from them ire afraid to go to court be- setell fllii Imo tti etAerl'i ell I 'I pu pcluiIIIV SIX fire' e- leidin re-tern collets icause of the piihheity" stemool YI iI 1 oirk A'A al Illr I WITP everntr No 1-w ynRK 1 Th 101- r11 J1i lip to cot rvidencri' Jticri Solomon remarked from nnottei et rittett took toztottlro teor otorelooh 111114L tifltV117 fl 'l'ol'1'1g 'I 1 11P 1 f' I lable whim htl 1 1 1 A T-tieted whto ft1r4 iH i fol Prckhlm lie nnd anivhcii -Trail i tip bench that Peck ha m's elite tp MPlytiiin r'I I Ho stritc- of rtzht rneinher4 el the Charles 1 Selv 5'2 iti-it grAY- 1L'011I'y FOCtred to 11AV opeiated wee In no time on'l VI' b'vk t1110 ould he delayed several Advisory council was really A final hnitd in tilt' triiior man- rIllall li ke an employment OffICr too ii114 14 ar iriilit it 1 imoorlo it aoll PlIttAlot worms IL AA tor iloilant tor inditonom 1 1111 1 1 11 5dcspuring atempt to sal age some- WI' tr'IlIfIrci IIII'it Peckham end ifor domestics 5 i i ygn EIMMIENOMME 11141111 GOOD FOR IIFE! 7111 5v777: 0 2 iir 'e)4'': J' il A 4 II 4 1 i I00o t' 1 4 11 11 A111 v- VloorCEM111111XZ 1 WMIITIIMMaIMEiNgENMEMOMINIMEEPOSION INEMMINP.

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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Author information

Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.