- Music
July 28, 2024
Lisa-Marie Mazzucco
Violinist JoAnna Farrer
Press Release from Savannah Philharmonic: Farrer will debut as Concertmaster on the evening of the August 24, for the 16th season opener, 'Romantic Rachmaninoff.'
Edited ByConnect Savannah Staff
The Savannah Philharmonic is pleased to announce the appointment of JoAnna Farrer as its new Concertmaster, heralding an exciting new chapter for the upcoming 2024-2025 season. Farrer, a distinguished violinist known for her exceptional talent and leadership, will join the Philharmonic bringing her extensive experience and vibrant energy to the ensemble.
JoAnna Farrer is a member of the New Jersey Symphony and has performed as a soloist with many ensembles, including the Goteborgs Symfoniker, The Philadelphia Orchestra, Orpheus Chamber Orchestra, and the Israel Philharmonic. As a concertmaster, she has worked with conductors such as James Conlon, James DePreist, and Lorin Maazel, including in performances of Britten's "The Turn of the Screw" at the Kennedy Center with Maestro Maazel. In previous seasons, Farrer has served as guest concertmaster of the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra, and toured with the Orpheus Chamber Orchestra, New York Philharmonic, and National Arts Centre Orchestra of Canada.
Active as a Celtic musician, Farrer has performed mixed-.genre works on both electric and acoustic instruments in New York, Chicago, Paris, and London. Her debut album, "Liminal Paths," was released in 2022, and she has performed with Irish and Scottish artists including Alasdair Fraser, Andy Lamy, and Natalie Haas. She has a wide variety of classical chamber music experience, including performances with artists such as Pinchas Zukerman, Emanuel Ax and Itzhak Perlman and has appeared at Merkin Hall with the Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center.
Farrer has performed as a featured artist in the International Chamber Music Festival in Lima, Peru, and has also performed as the United States representative at the Kyoto International Music Festival. She is an alumna of the Perlman Music Program, as well as the National Arts Centre Young Artist Programme as a student of Pinchas Zukerman, and she completed her master of music degree at The Juilliard School under the tutelage of Glenn Dicterow, former concertmaster of the New York Philharmonic. She makes her home with her husband, Darryl Kubian, in northeastern Vermont, with their many musical instruments and beloved farm animals.
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Frank Fortune
Dr. Amy Williams, Executive Director of Savannah Philharmonic
"We are delighted to welcome JoAnna to the Savannah Philharmonic family," said Amy Williams, Savannah Philharmonic Executive Director. "Her extraordinary musicianship and commitment to excellence align perfectly with our vision. We are confident that she will inspire both our orchestra and our community."
Farrer’s debut with the Savannah Philharmonic as Concertmaster will take place at the 16th season opener, “Romantic Rachmaninoff,” on Saturday, August 24, at the Lucas Theatre for the Arts. With tickets for the 2024-2025 season available now, the Savannah Philharmonic encourages everyone to join in welcoming JoAnna Farrer and experiencing the exceptional performances planned for the year.
For more information, please visit www.savannahphilharmonic.org.
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